Small Groups

Small Groups are an essential part of Mt. Nebo Global Methodist Church.

Small Groups at Mt. Nebo

Small Groups are an essential part of this congregation. Here at Mt. Nebo GMC, a small group is the place where individuals are welcomed and supported as they study together, pray for one another, and hold one another accountable in living a life that reflects their love for Jesus. Most of our small groups start new studies periodically, so there is always a time for a 'new start' with an existing group. There will also be new groups onboarding throughout the year, so feel free to contact the Discipleship Coordinator about these.

Prayer Group

When: Tuesday

TIme: 2:00 PM

Where: Mt. Nebo Admin Building

Group Leaders: Susan Davidson

What: This small group meets for a time of devotion and praise, then prays for the needs within our church community, country, and world. Consider being a part of this vital ministry group. NOTE- The group's leader, Susan Davidson is Global Methodist Elder with senior status who is also on the Allegheny West Conference Prayer Team.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

When: This group meets the first Monday of every month.

Time: 6:30 PM

Where: This group meets in the church narthex

Group Leader: Linda Henry

What: This group makes and prays over prayer shawls and pocket prayer shawls. These prayer shawls are usually given to a person who facing difficult or special situations to serve as a reminder that we are carried through this life wrapped in the arms of our Father. No knitting, crocheting, or sewing experience is needed to be part of this group.

Wednesday AM Men's Group Study

When: Wednesday, beginning October 2

Time: 9:00 AM- 10:00 AM

Where: Classrooms 1 and 2 in church building

Group Leader: Pastor Mike

What: This group will use the book, "First Love"/ A study of the New Testament book of Philippians by J.D. Walt. The study will focus on knowing Jesus personally and depending on His strength. The Apostle Paul wrote, "I want to know Christ.." It's the love of the Lord, seen in the power of His resurrection, His suffering, His death, and His resurrection that pulls at our hearts and leads us to want to know Him more completely. Jesus is our first love. Jesus was teh source of his joy and the One who loved Paul. There is no greater love.

Midmorning Women's Small Group Study

When: Wednesdays, beginning October 2

Time: 10:30 AM- 11:30 AM

Where: Classrooms 2 and 3

Group Leader: Linda Henry

What: This group will use the book "More Messy People" by Jen Cowart along with video clips for each chapter. The theme of this study is that God can use imperfect people to do incredible things and use them in powerful ways. The group will look at the lives of great, but imperfect, Biblical heroes to see how God meets us in our troubles and imperfections and chooses to use us even if we seem unqualified.

Heart to Heart

When: Wednesdays, beginning October 2

Time: Begins at 6:30 PM

Where: Classroom 3

Group Leader: Elise Starkey

What: This women's group will use the book, "Simply Tuesday" by Emily Freeman. The focus is to understand that, through a life in Christ, we can live in small and ordinary moments, not having to allow our obsession with bigger and faster to spin out of control. Jesus lives in us and want us to release our obsession with building a life to embrace the life He is builing in us.

Wednesday Evening Men's Group

When: Wednesdays

Time: 6:30 PM

Where: Classroom 1

Group Leader: Pastor Mike

What: The group will use the study book, "First Love/ A study of the New Testament book of Philippians" by J.D. Walt. (see Wednesday morning Men's study for details)

Shoulder to Shoulder Men's Small Group

When: Thursdays, beginning October 3

Time: Begins at 6:30 PM

Where: Group meets in classroom 3

Group Leader: Dan Reed

What: This group will be using "The Wesleyan Way" by Phil Talon to gain an understanding of the value of scripture, prayer, communion, spiritual relationships, and the power of salvation, as evidenced in the life and teachings of John Wesely.

Thursday Evening Women's Group

When: Thursdays, beginning October 3

Time: 6:30 PM

Where: This group meets via a virtual format for weekly study but meets face to face for times of fellowship and serving together throughout the year.

Group Leader: Linda Stover

What: This small group will use a study, "Supernatural- Experiencing the Power of God's Kingdom" by Carolyn Moore. The study focuses on the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Men's Breakfast for the Soul

When: Meets the 2nd Saturday of each month

Time: 7:30 AM- 9:00 PM

Where: Classroom area

Group Coordinator: Dan Reed

What: Men of all ages gather monthly for a hearty breakfast, devotion, fellowship and prayer. No reservations needed.

Women's Emmaus Share Group

When: Meets every Saturday

Time: 9:00 AM

Where: Classroom area

Group Contact: Sue Craycraft

What: This group of women meet for a time of prayer and sharing about their faith walk on a week-to-week basis.

Have questions about a small group? Please complete the following information.